Ranked: The World’s 10 Most Punctual Airlines in 2022

by | Jan 12, 2023

Which airlines around the world had the best on-time performance in 2022? Cirium just released its 2022 On-Time Performance Review, revealing the most on-time airlines and airports of the year.

The report which is published by the global aviation analytics company is considered the gold standard for airline and airport performance. It’s based on data collected and curated from over 600 sources of real-time flight information.

Airlines With The Best On-Time Performance in 2022

The past year was a challenging operational environment, with many airlines and airports experiencing delays, disruptions and resource challenges. Despite this, several stood out for their exceptional on-time performance.

Azul Airlines was the global leader for on-time performance. The Brazilian airline, known for comfortable seats and frequent flights to unique underserved destinations throughout Brazil, had an impressive on-time arrival rate of 88.93%.

Cirium provided regional rankings that give us a winner by region. Delta Air Lines was the top performer in North America, with an on-time arrival rate of 83.63%. Iberia took the title in Europe, with a rate of 85.87%. As previously mentioned, Latin America was home to the global winner Azul Airlines. In the Asia Pacific region, All Nippon Airways was the leading legacy carrier with an on-time arrival rate of 88.61% closely followed by its rival Japan Airlines. Oman Air was the top performer in the Middle East and Africa, with a rate of 91.38%.

Among low-cost carriers, StarFlyer took the title with an on-time arrival rate of 84.8%. This low-cost carrier based in Japan, which operates mainly domestic flights, has been growing in popularity thanks to its affordable prices and comfortable cabins.

Japanese domestic low cost carrier StarFlyer was the most punctual low-cost carrier of 2022.

Cirium also released a ranking of top-performing global airports in 2022. Tokyo’s Haneda Airport was the top performer in that ranking as the only global airport with an on-time departure rate of over 90%.

It’s worth noting that Cirium defines an on-time flight is defined as one that arrives at its destination within 15 minutes of its scheduled gate arrival. For airports, it’s defined as flights departing within 15 minutes of scheduled departure.

Most On-Time Airlines Globally in 2022

AirlineOn-time arrivalOn time arrivalTotal flights
(AD) Azul188.93%279,722
(NH) ANA288.61%162,370
(JL) JAL388.00%165,981
(LA) LATAM Airlines486.31%451,651
(DL) Delta Air Lines583.63%1,004,684
(AV) Avianca683.48%144,525
(EK) Emirates781.30%137,589
(UA) United Airlines880.46%789,200
(QR) Qatar Airways978.32%152,377
(AA) American Airlines1078.29%1,076,100

Most On-Time North American Airlines in 2022

AirlineOn-time arrivalOn time arrivalTotal flights
(DL) Delta Air Lines183.63%1,004,684
(UA) United Airlines280.46%789,200
(AS) Alaska Airlines380.36%243,072
(AA) American Airlines478.29%1,076,100
(WN) Southwest Airlines574.06%1,336,888
(F9) Frontier Airlines668.32%170,047
(B6) JetBlue Airways766.35%343,673
(G4) Allegiant Air865.93%117,469
(WS) WestJet959.10%94,663
(AC) Air Canada1054.51%150,602
Delta Air Lines was ranked the most punctual airline in North America in 2022

Most On-Time European Airlines in 2022

AirlineOn-time arrivalOn time arrivalTotal flights
(IB) Iberia185.87%91,154
(UX) Air Europa284.10%48,163
(I2) Iberia Express383.80%35,665
(VY) Vueling482.04%197,546
(OS) Austrian582.00%95,708
(DY) Norwegian Air Shuttle681.29%71,561
(AZ) ITA Airways780.29%91,841
(D8) Norwegian Air Sweden879.03%41,215
(AY) Finnair975.16%45,727
(LO) LOT Polish Airlines1075.08%85,902
Iberia was ranked the most punctual airline in Europe in 2022

Most On-Time Latin American Airlines in 2022

AirlineOn time rankingOn-time rankingTotal flights
(AD) Azul188.93%279,722
(H2) Sky Airline288.74%27,161
(CM) Copa Airlines388.02%104,083
(LA) LATAM Airlines486.31%451,651
(AV) Avianca583.48%144,525
(AR) Aerolineas Argentinas682.02%94,982
(AM) Aeromexico775.83%113,814
(Y4) Volaris871.61%187,502
The Most Punctual Airline of 2023: Azul Airlines

Most On-Time Asia Pacific Airlines in 2022

AirlineOn-time arrivalOn time arrivalTotal flights
(FD) Thai AirAsia191.56%66,043
(NH) ANA288.61%162,370
(JL) JAL388.00%165,981
(HO) Juneyao Airlines486.65%88,115
(6E) IndiGo584.11%561,864
(I5) AirAsia India683.70%60,882
(NZ) Air New Zealand781.29%156,591
(MH) Malaysia Airlines880.99%95,962
(UK) Vistara980.98%87,901
(MM) Peach Aviation1079.81%56,176
AirAsia was the most punctual airline in Asia in 2022

Most On-Time Middle East & Africa Airlines in 2022

AirlineOn time rankingOn-time rankingTotal flights
(WY) Oman Air191.38%29,631
(RJ) Royal Jordanian286.76%28,887
(KU) Kuwait Airways381.64%25,982
(EK) Emirates481.30%137,589
(QR) Qatar Airways578.32%152,377
(ET) Ethiopian Airlines677.30%102,571
(ME) Middle East Airlines775.91%20,654
(AT) Royal Air Maroc872.01%45,062
(LY) El Al969.80%23,274
(SV) Saudia1069.75%172,797
Oman Air was the most punctual airline in the Middle East & Africa in 2022

Most On-Time Low-Cost Carriers in 2022

AirlineOn-time arrivalOn time arrivalTotal flights
(7G) StarFlyer195.23%21,894
(6J) Solaseed Air294.53%27,486
(FD) Thai AirAsia391.56%66,043
(AD) Azul488.93%279,722
(H2) Sky Airline588.74%27,161
(HD) Air Do688.34%22,187
(6E) IndiGo784.11%561,864
(I2) Iberia Express883.80%35,665
(I5) AirAsia India983.70%60,882
(VY) Vueling1082.04%197,546

Bottom line

There’s nothing as basic when boarding a flight as getting to your destination in time. The industry saw a sudden recovery in demand in 2022, which led to a number of operational difficulties. Airlines struggled with understaffing and insufficient capacity, causing delays and cancellations. However, as the industry added workers and adjusted capacity, operations are improving and airlines are actively investing in ensuring better operational reliability.

These airlines were able to put together the pieces to consistently deliver the best on-time performances in the industry for their customers in 2022. As we move into 2023, we can be sure that other airlines will be fighting to dethrone them and move up the list. We’ll be paying close attention to report what airline puts in the best on-time performance in 2023.

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